Spreading the Word About FamilyWoodworking.org

Vaughn McMillan

Staff member
Hi All -

Although this has been mentioned and discussed in the Members Only forum, I wanted to also post this in a forum that Guests can see, too.

As a new forum, we like having new members and we encourage you to spread the word about FamilyWoodworking.org to your friends and family. We welcome anyone as long as they agree to follow the simple Forum Rules and Code of Conduct.

However, we do ask that you do not use the Private Messaging or built-in e-mail features on other forums to advertise this forum to others. Use private e-mail (or the telephone) instead. There has been a complaint from the owner of another woodworking forum that Private Messages from our members have been used on his site to promote our site. While he did not provide any evidence to back up this accusation, I think we're best off not giving him (or any other forum owner) any reason to make this kind of accusation in the first place.

So...feel free to promote this site to your heart's content, but please do it without using another forum's resources. :thumb:

Thanks for your help on this -

- Vaughn
Those of us with websites can help promote this forum by linking to it. This will direct some traffic to the site, and the inbound links will also boost the site's search engine rankings.

I placed a link on my site's links page.


Those of us with websites can help promote this forum by linking to it. This will direct some traffic to the site, and the inbound links will also boost the site's search engine rankings.

I placed a link on my site's links page.


Hi Kevin,

Glad to see you found your way here and joined the forum!

I've also added a link to Family Woodworking on my website.

I agree, but have a question!

If it is PRIVATE MESSAGES...............What the heck are they doing looking at them.


Hi Bruce,

There is no option for Admins or anyone else to read other people's PMs in vB forum software, or any other forum software I am familiar with. However anyone with access to the database, and the skill to write or download a simple php program, could read them directly in the db. This pretty much applies to any program. The database administrator can do anything and is only limited by his/her skill and ability.

I do not believe that anyone in administration at the forum in question used this method to read PM's. The most likely method for any administrator to learn the contents of a PM not addressed directly to them is a simple one. A member receiving an unwelcome PM just forwards the PM to the Admin, Mod or to another member. This happens all the time on forums and is usually how someone finds out the contents of what the sender thought was a PM only to be read by the recipient.

Just to be perfectly clear, I'm not saying or implying that any Private Messages were read nefariously on any site. As Rick mentioned, a forum owner is most likely aware of the contents of a message because it was forwarded to him, NOT because he was reading other people's mail or PMs. (Also, like Rick said, there is no easy way to do it with the software, so you'd need to write or hack code to get into the database.)

- Vaughn
i would like to take the time to reiterate that this thread was started because the owner of another woodworking site PRIVATELY accused one of the members here at family woodworking of "spamming his members using their p/m system"
it is impossible for any of us to know how this person came to that conclusion.....but rest assured that being an above board site is foremost on our adgenda, so we felt it was the right thing to do to relay these accusations to the members and guests of family woodworking and politely request that they not do what one of us was PRIVATELY accused of.
as always, it is up to every person to respond or behave as they see fit, but please don`t defame anybody or any other site, there is absolutely nothing to be gained by doing so!
my personal appologies to those who find this simple statement of fact and a request to "play nice" somehow agressive or offencive.
I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that no one at SMC has read any PM's other than those PM's sent to them. Numerous folks who received the PM's in question reported them to either one of the moderators or one of the SMC Admin folks.

Tod Evans said:
it is impossible for any of us to know how this person came to that conclusion

Not impossible - just takes common sense to understand that folks would report such activities.
gee thanks ken, this clearly states your view of what went on.......personally i haven`t tried logging on to sawmill creek in a few months so would have no idea if there are any p/m`s in my inbox or what they contained....it`s not my place to share the private communications between others but i do believe that if you where aware of the type of venomous, accusitory mail that has been exchanged you would be appalled?
for the record, i personally have recieved no complaints from members at either sawmill creek or family woodworking about invitations to either site so instead of trying to deduce behind the sceens happenings i`ll stick to believing what i`ve read.
further i see absolutely no point in trying to portray any site or person in a light other than what they themselves have done......here anyway the printed words will remain intact unless they clearly violate our coc.
thanks for your opinion, tod
I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that no one at SMC has read any PM's other than those PM's sent to them. Numerous folks who received the PM's in question reported them to either one of the moderators or one of the SMC Admin folks.

Tod Evans said:
it is impossible for any of us to know how this person came to that conclusion

Not impossible - just takes common sense to understand that folks would report such activities.

Hi Ken, how you doing, hope you are on the mend :thumb:

We here at Family Woodworking specifically asked our members to NOT use the resources of any other forum to spread the word about Family Woodworking.

One could say that our membership was impugned with this accusation, that we were in some way "Spamming", we did not see any proof of this going on, I'm not saying it did not happen, just that we did not have any proof, none was offered, just an accusation was leveled, but just the same, we thought it would be a very good idea to mention to everyone here at Family Woodworking, that we did not support or encourage the use of another sites resources as a way to spread the word about the birth of Family Woodworking.

Bruce made the assumption that somehow someone was nefariously reading PMs, while a few database savvy people have said that it is possible (and I would not know, as I'm not a database savvy guy) no one has suggested that it happened.

I hope that clears that up.

I trust that all is well with you Ken, now lets get back to woodworking! :D

but i do believe that if you where aware of the type of venomous, accusitory mail that has been exchanged you would be appalled?

You are preaching to the choir :) . You should read some of the ones I have gotten in the soon to be 4 years of moderating SMC. They would make what you have gotten seem like Sunday school lessons:(
Hi Boys,
I don't know any of you from Adam, don't know what happened and frankly not here to be part of bickering, name calling, bashing or what ever. For now I believe in Family Woodworking, the people who have worked hard to get us to here, and the honorable trade and craft of working with wood. All welcome by me under that premise, nit picking, keep to yourself. Slamming someone else miles away by internet, cowardly. Keep Family Woodworking at high standards or lose quality in more areas than one.
Respectfully ,
Robert A. Schaubhut
Woodworking by Shaz
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You are preaching to the choir :) . You should read some of the ones I have gotten in the soon to be 4 years of moderating SMC. They would make what you have gotten seem like Sunday school lessons:(

Well, when one's favorite quote is "this is not a democracy", I don't find that too surprising at all!
Thanks for your input and viewpoint, Ken. The basic fact is that Keith Outten flat-out accused me personally of "spaming" (his spelling) SMC members, when in fact I did not. He also said "several" other FamilyWoodworking members were doing so, too, but offered no specific details. One of my responses to those accusations was the initial post in this thread. My other response to those accusations does not fully comply with the Forum Rules and CoC here, so it'll remain private. ;)

As Stu said, it's good to see you're on the mend, and I hope things are moving in the right direction for you health-wise.

- Vaughn
If I am uderstanding this right, the only people that can send a pm is a menber. So it was one their members that they need to dill with.
Well said Vaughn. I haven't been bragging on us enough and have conduits for doing so. I have been cautious in my referrals and am happy with the moderators reviewing applicants and granting access. I know we're not trying to exclusive here by any means but I do enjoy not being bombarded with the "Oh yeah? Yeah." arguments that exist on other forums. Keep up the good work. I'll spread the word.
Guys thanks for clearing up who and what was said. I know out of ethics no one wanted to say what happened, but until I read the last few posts, I thought you were all talking about MyTractorForum. Lately there has been a few people from here join up over there and I thought for a minute Simple John was getting upset. Man was I glad to hear that respectable forum is still intact.

As for myself, I DO have a link on my website for Familywoodworking but DO NOT PM or put posts on any forum about FMWW, but there was a time awhile back when a post was started on Wood Online about other woodworking forums people visit. In that case I did mention FMWW and have since noticed a few people joined up over here. Technically though that was not right.

Myself I would like to see more people join up, or at the very least, have all members post more about their thoughts. It gets dull otherwise and seems like only a few people are reading/ exchanging ideas about posts on here. Maybe if the word is getting out in ways WE DO NOT WANT THEM TO BE DELIVERED, we should be pro-active and start a membership drive in the ways WE WANT THE WORD TO GET OUT?

Any thoughts?
Belong to three sites. Did not promote one or the other.

But I have very little to do with the other sites, to cut and dry, and not friendly at all.

Love this site, and the friends here.
My .02 cents